Many people end up with bad credit at some point. While you may be working hard to make your credit score excellent again, you may want to purchase a used car right now. Dealing with bad credit car loans is enough to frighten anyone, but by familiarizing yourself with the terminology first, you can be confident you are getting a quality deal.
Credit Rating
Your credit score is influenced by your previous purchasing history. You can learn what your score is from various credit unions. Ultimately, your score influences what the interest rate on a car loan is. Higher scores show that you have been more responsible with money, so you can qualify for lower rates.
Loan Term
The loan term basically signifies how many months you will need to pay a dealership until the vehicle has been paid off in full. Different terms can be available. For example, you can agree to pay more every month and the overall term will be shorter. Conversely, you can agree to stretch bad credit car loans out if that would work better for you financially.
Down Payment
Most dealership, will require you to provide a down payment. This means you offer a certain amount of money now in order to show you are serious about eventually paying off the car in full later. We have zero down options.
Extended Service Contract
In addition to buying the used vehicle, you may also want to think about getting extra add-ons. An extended service contract is basically a warranty that comes with your vehicle, ensuring that it will continue to function optimally for a given amount of time.
You should never feel lost when you are in negotiations for bad credit car loans. Understand everything you are reading on a contract, so you do not end up agreeing to something you do not fully comprehend.